The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada welcomes you to

RASC Ottawa

People like you making astronomy pop to inspire your interest and knowledge

Things to Make and Do with RASC Ottawa

These public events provide a platform for expert
presenters to share their knowledge and insights on various astronomical topics. From the latest discoveries in space exploration to the fascinating science behind celestial phenomena, our meetings offer a wealth of information that will ignite your curiosity and expand your understanding of the universe. Join us in person or on-line.

Learn at our Star parties

These public events provide excellent opportunities for children and adults to gaze at the night sky through telescopes and learn from experienced astronomers.​

Get access to our Private observatory

Our Fred Lossing Observatory (FLO) near Almonte is for members. and their guests who can bring their own observing gear or (with training) use one of the permanent club telescopes. The observatory celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021.

Enjoy AstroNotes,  our monthly newsletter

We exist to share our enthusiasm and knowledge with each other, and this newsletter is one of the ways we do so. it ensures that all members are aware of what we do, to encourage participation, and to make everybody welcome.

Our telescope library has a wide range of telescopes  available for use by any RASC member at no charge.  You’ll find beginners’ scopes to  try out before buying your own, as well as larger instruments to use or evaluate before an upgrade.

Getting started? We have books to help you learn your way around the night sky, and around your telescope.  Our DVD library is moving online but is meanwhile provides unique historical footage of RASC over the past 50 years.

Join now to start receiving these great benefits

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