Welcome to RASC Ottawa, your Gateway to the Stars

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) centre in Ottawa is a group of astronomy enthusiasts that share their knowledge and passion through many channels and activities.

The centre’s purpose is to to enhance understanding of and inspire curiosity about the Universe, through public outreach, education, and support for astronomical research.



  • Access to our Private observatory

    The Fred Lossing Observatory (FLO) near Almonte is for members and their guests.  Learn more here.

  • Borrow from our Telescope library

    Members can borrow telescopes, binoculars, eyepieces, and other gear at no charge from the 40+ offerings in the  Ted Bean Telescope Library.  Learn more here.

  • Astronomy book and DVD library

    The Stan Mott media library has a collection of astronomy books and DVDs, including beginner guides, observing charts, and reference works.  Learn more here.

  • Observing programs

    Members can participate in and earn certificates in observing programs at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, visual and astro-imaging observers.  Learn more here.

  • Annual awards

    RASC Ottawa presents annual awards for observing skills, service to the centre and more to members during our annual dinner meeting and the AGM. 

You can follow RASC Ottawa on Instagram, Facebook, and MeetUp for information about events.
Star parties
Free public events where members bring telescopes to share with the public. These events are family-friendly and suitable for people who want to learn more about the night sky. Learn more here.
Public meetings each month
Free, open meetings with expert presenters sharing their knowledge on astronomical topics from the sciences, and practical skills and technology. Learn more here.

Membership with us gains to access to a number of business-class perks, including:

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